Data Collection
Investigação pessoal | My research
Research (ENDED)
27 Mar 2022
Ph.DAnálise ao mercado hoteleiro | Hotel Market Analysis
Research (ENDED)
21 Aug 2022
Research groupComportamento do Consumidor | Consumer Behaviour
Investigação que apoio | Supported research
Research & Studies (ENDED)
30 Apr 2022
Análise a Pequenas Empresas no Pós-pandemia | Small Businesses in the Post-pandemic Analysis
Advisable Literature
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- Abrate, G., Nicolau, J. L., & Viglia, G. (2019) The impact of dynamic price variability on revenue maximization. Tourism Management, 74, 224–233.
- Baker, T. K., & Collier, D. A. (1999) A Comparative Revenue Analysis of Hotel Yield Management Heuristics. Decision Science, 30(I), 239–258.
- Bujisic, M., Hutchinson, J., & Bilgihan, A. (2014) The Application of Revenue Management in Beverage Operations. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(4), 336–352.
- Choi, S., & Kimes, S. E. (2002) Electronic Distribution Channels’ Effect on Hotel revenue management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 43(3), 23–31.
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