The development of this project could only succeed if partners were gathered providing insights and data for the research to proceed. However, the key component: analysis, could be better analyzed if some tools were placed in their right position, therefore, I will describe the method used to develop the project and each article.
For the project itself, I have started to read books and articles about the field of research to get relevance for the study to continue.
Now, to everyone who is making or has already made their Ph.D., we know how tough it can be to forget or lose ideas… I have decided to create my library on Microsoft Excel, where I filled into columns, Authors, Document Type (book, book chapter, article, proceeding, etc.), Document name, Year, DOI, Pages, etc. I have organized it by literature review topics, and I am keeping it updated (shares are accepted! 😊).
After having all my literature organized by topics, I have used another software that would be helping on the project in the following steps. Mendeley Reference Manager, in which I have deposited all PDF files gathered from the Excel and manually entered all books used that were not… You know, “digital”… Yep, there are still rat labs here! Here I have organized the topics of research by importance, ex: Management » Hospitality & Tourism Management » Databases » Quartile » Journal » Topic (check image).
Maybe you’re wondering “Why Mendeley?”, well… I am not supported by Mendeley, but if you guys at Mendeley, want to support me, it would be highly appreciated! But, as I made the Thesis Project and I am writing the articles and the thesis itself on Microsoft Word, this reference manager is good due to its plug-in that connects the software to fast cite and include references according to the style that you might need to use. In my case, it is the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition. It is very nice to use because at the beginning of the essay, I can include the bibliography and then, each document that is used will automatically be included in it… How much do I love autonomous systems? Well, A LOT!
To build frameworks I have used the Miro App, it is very intuitive and has allowed me to build and design a lot of explicit content for the project and the articles. In terms of timeline, time management, and costs, I have used another Microsoft software, Microsoft Project, where I was always registering the thesis path, contrasting predictions to real dates.
Well, now in terms of data collection. This was new, I guess for all researchers, that is: collect data under a pandemic situation! Naming 1 advantage – very easy to record audio and video, also, by using Microsoft Teams, very easy to do the transcriptions (Compliments on the side, Teams is for me, the best Microsoft APP) – and 1 disadvantage – not enjoying team meetings in person.
For the transcriptions, I have uploaded all data to NVIVO, to analyze repetitions, patterns, confronts, etc., on what was being said by the interviewees. Therefore, the retrieved data was then resumed for the project and the articles, when applicable, also developed a website to invite people to visit and understand the current state of the art of the topics here approached, and to provide me with their contributions, either through surveys or personalized written contributions, ended up calling it HASORM – Hospitality Analytic System of Revenue Management.
I think it is useless to say that none of this would be made with an opened file that I would keep on saving, every time I would write a sentence… So all of these were always used with Microsoft OneDrive. Besides keeping a copy of every version of my work, it automatically saves all-new characters included in the work, either on Words or Excels that I used.
Cras commodo, nulla a commodo sodales, nisl mauris interdum lectus, ac mattis lacus purus ut nunc. Fusce volutpat aliquam euismod. Aliquam pulvinar neque turpis, in tincidunt mi varius et. Curabitur vitae tempus mauris, porta dictum ante. Nam pellentesque et mauris a suscipit. Vivamus gravida erat nec elit ullamcorper, quis laoreet metus efficitur. Duis vulputate, mauris a auctor pretium, elit nisl eleifend nulla, non accumsan augue massa quis tellus. Aliquam at justo libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed vestibulum mauris condimentum ultrices scelerisque. Fusce pulvinar cursus luctus. Cras dapibus placerat magna, quis euismod nisi consequat euismod. Curabitur finibus nisi at justo ultricies, nec congue metus rutrum. Quisque vulputate sollicitudin aliquam. Curabitur posuere auctor dapibus.
Mauris lectus dolor, varius ut imperdiet nec, dignissim nec ligula. Cras posuere odio et finibus accumsan. Mauris in sem non arcu consectetur posuere sed quis justo. Sed turpis mauris, aliquet ac lacus nec, tempor condimentum justo. Praesent tristique enim et augue tincidunt, in accumsan nisi egestas. Cras bibendum elit eget volutpat consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet posuere velit, ut rhoncus lorem. Mauris sit amet ultricies justo. Curabitur ut placerat libero, ut tempus eros. Quisque venenatis eu mi eget imperdiet. Fusce vitae tellus dui. Curabitur tristique pharetra justo, vel posuere dolor luctus vel. Quisque in arcu sagittis, sollicitudin nulla in, aliquet turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eros lorem, euismod ut nulla ut, congue molestie elit. Quisque ex augue, finibus ut fermentum vel, molestie eget nulla.
Phasellus volutpat congue augue, a tincidunt velit consequat pulvinar. Proin pharetra, tortor sed efficitur egestas, massa lorem eleifend tortor, eget interdum dolor neque vitae dui. Etiam vitae pharetra justo. Sed dictum vulputate cursus. Nulla consectetur purus in interdum interdum.
Integer dapibus sapien massa, in mattis magna commodo id. Vivamus tempor ullamcorper auctor. Aenean non bibendum magna, quis tempor ligula. Donec viverra lobortis libero, non feugiat nulla vehicula id. Ut posuere tellus in gravida ullamcorper. Nulla ut pellentesque velit. Mauris scelerisque auctor convallis. Sed tincidunt finibus est, nec convallis sem placerat eget. Donec tempor mauris vitae libero ultrices, a porta ex commodo. Quisque quis magna elit. Proin semper tellus quis orci tempor, porttitor lobortis nisi auctor. Phasellus turpis diam, commodo vel sagittis ac, lacinia vitae ex. Integer lacinia dapibus euismod. Integer bibendum nulla nec tincidunt consequat. Sed vel gravida risus. Cras lacinia tortor purus, vel vulputate velit rhoncus sed.