de Bastos, Bernardo P.
Project Manager
Hi, there!
This website will be used for exploratory purposes within the scope of the doctoral program in which I am enrolled. The project itself, presented by me, without any funding, aims to analyze, study and draw conclusions derived from research in Hotel Management, in the subfield of Revenue Management with applied analytics over the Total Hotel Management.
About me
Developed Research
To date, I have developed a research with practical application of a strategic management model, namely the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) in a Holding of SMEs in Portugal.
I have contributed with several entries (4), in the book Tourism and Hospitality from A to Z.
In 2022, I have published my first solo Research Article on the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, entitled as Contribution of hotels’ revenue management for supply chain sustainability which you may find with the following DOI:
A collaborative research was presented in a International Conference in Porto, Portugal, with the title: Digitalization through pandemic crisis – Effects on technology, processes & human capital; then published in journal DOI:
Another collaborative research was presented on a International Conference in Tenerife, Spain, with the title: Guests’ Behavior and Emotions After COVID: Side-Effects Felt on Hospitality Revenue Management; then published in journal DOI: https://10.11648/j.ebm.20230905.12
Recently, in late 2023, I have published another article related to Revenue Management with the title Determinants of revenue management framework as enablers for
cloud & e-commerce hospitality management, with can be found and read with the DOI:
Now, in 2024, I have presented another article related to Revenue Management with the title A Cluster Hotel Management Perspective: Organizational Key Variables in a Longitudinal Study, on the conference Navigating the future of management.
Data collection
Project Partners
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